Hello ! 👨🏼‍💻

I'm Ryan Pitts, a design-minded full-stack software engineer focused on building innovative experiences for your online customers.


I am currently working as an e-commerce specialist for a growing manufacturing startup called Fantastapack.com. I manage a variety of e-commerce based projects and assist in launching new online initiatives. I recently graduated from General Assembly . I completed the full-time, software engineering immersive program in December 2019 and I'm excited to take the next steps in my developer career.

As a software engineer, I plan on continuing my education and growing my skillset both on the job and at home. I aspire to work with and contribute to the growing community of developers in the Pacific Northwest. I'm passionate about building online applications that will create a high impact on business goals.

Technical Skills



  • React
  • Express
  • Node.js
  • Ruby on Rails
  • ASP.NET (learning in progress)


  • Bash
  • Git/GitHub
  • Chrome Dev Tools
  • Postman
  • MongoDB
  • Firebase
I’m Ryan and I’m a Front End, Back End and Middle End developer :)

Featured Project

Ryan Pitts Portfolio

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